Who we are


UAO tre semplici vocali che in nessuna altra parola stanno insieme da sole, una piccola espressione di stupore per descrivere con meraviglia la bellezza imprevista.

UAO è una società Italiana dal 2016 opera nell’intrattenimento per bambini con una web radio, www.uaoradio.net. Con il suo primo titolo JUNGLA si è lanciata nel mondo dell’ideazione, sviluppo e produzione di giochi da tavolo. Missione principale è garantire la miglior esperienza con il racconto, la grafica e i disegni che permettono ai giocatori un’immersione totale nell’ambientazione e nelle meccaniche di gioco.

Marco lives in Italy. He has held managerial positions in Italian and British healthcare companies. Lecturer at the University of Siena. Expert in marketing, soft skills, and social media. He has been designing games for his friends since he was a child. A father of 5 children, in 2015 he, Giacomo, and Tommaso, aged 10 and 6 at the time, started playing with the animals from Noah’s Ark on a chessboard, which then led to the Jungla game.

Marco Casini

Marco Casini


Lorenzo has worked as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer who has worked in various sectors for over ten years. He loves to tell stories through images, especially comics (of which he is an avid reader). Originally from Florence, he now lives in Udine, in northern Italy, with his wife, daughter and a rather sociopathic cat. He considers his family not only his most demanding job, but also the most wonderful job he has ever been involved in (despite the cat).

Lorenzo Ghignone

Lorenzo Ghignone
